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22 " W x 26 " H,  58 cm W x 66 cm H
Material   Acrylic on Canvas
Artist   A.H. Clemens
Painted   September 2002, 
Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

The figure stands alone in center stage, is seen from below and occupies almost half of the picture space.  She commands the entire length of the picture and is forcefully making a point to her (unseen) fellow directors and senior staff. 

Yet she seems much less reassured than the young lady depicted a few months previously in Woman Alone. She has a slightly hysterical look in her eyes and appears off-balance as she hastily grasps the plush red upholstered chair for support.  Her clothes seem oddly out of place.  So too does the golden medallion which hangs down from her neck and serves to emphasize her ample bosom.

I suppose I am a male chauvinist at heart still having difficulty with the concept of women in positions of ultimate power.  This despite the fact I live in a country where women occupy the top four or five positions in the land and have done for much of the past decade.  It is a deeply rooted instinct.  I have a feeling that I share it with most men of the baby boom generation.   I cannot speak for younger generations.

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Last updated 31 October, 2004


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